Friday, December 4, 2009

Relax Your Body With A Brainwave Symphony

Lower Stress And Improve Your Health

Stress is a natural and necessary bodily function.  However, when day to day stress builds up and goes poorly managed it can have devastating effects on our health.

What Is Stress?

Stress he result of our fight or flight response that kicks in when we perceive a threat.  That's an important feature to have if we come across dangerous physical threats but our bodies respond the same to non-physical  or perceived threats the same as if we were in immediate physical danger.

When the brain perceives a threat, an it could be something as simple as being stuck in traffic or stuck in a long line, it sends a message to the adrenal glands to release adrenalin and cortisol.  These two hormones ready the body for flight or fight by raising blood pressure, increasing heart and breathing rates, and partially shutting down non essential systems like digestion and immune system.

This is great if we actually had to run away or stand and fight.  But when it triggers this response because we're stressed out over the job or money, then these hormones do more damage than good.

How Can We Manage Stress? 

Scroll Down To See The Video!

The best way to reduce the effect of these stress hormones is sleep and exercise.  Sleep relaxes the body's systems puts the threat out of the conscious mind and exercise burns off the hormones naturally as was intended in the original response.

One way to quickly reduce stress is by training the brain to relax.  Now this may sound a little new wave but it isn't.  No crystals or trips to Sedona required.

The brain emits electrical waves that can be measured on an EEG.  These waves have different lengths depending on the mode the brain is in i.e. fear, happy, calm etc.  Science have given these waves names, Gamma and  Beta are associated with higher brain activity like problem solving, learning and cognition.  Alpha, Theta and Delta waves are associated with relaxation, sleep and deep meditation.  By identifying the wave length for "relaxed" it is possible to introduce that same wave length through the ears via stereo headsets.  When the brain is exposed to this binauaral beat, it is entrarined and creates the wave length for the desired "relaxed" mode.  Typically these tones are masked by comforting music or sounds like rain or waves slapping a beach.

OK that's a really quick and simple answer.  It's more detailed than that.  But give this a shot.  Try watching the video below while wearing stereo headphones.  Forget the images, lean back in your chair and close your eyes.  DO NOT DO what I did and that's lean over and place my elbow on the return of my desk and rest my head in my hand.  I dozed off, my elbow slipped off the desk and I nearly bonked my head.

Put on your headphones and crank up the sound!

Go ahead, give it a shot.

OK are you still with me?  Is your neck a little sore from leaning forward?  This is best done laying down.

When I first listened to this it brought up an image from a camping trip in the Alabama hills with the smell of wet canvas and pine.  Just so real!  If you are having trouble getting to sleep this definitely is a cure.

And it's not just relaxation.  You can train or "entrain" your brain to come up with all kinds of emotions if you know which wave lengths to include in the binaural input.

When you are absolutely brain dead from a grueling day at work, you can revitalize those gray cells using the correct wave length of binaural beat.  In fact there are all kinds of beats for all kinds of feelings.

So you're wondering where you can get these right?  Or at least test them out.  Well there are a lot of places on the internet that provide them and I'm going to recommend one I represent.  Typically these come as mp3 downloads that you can then burn into a CD or simply listen on a mp3 player.

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